Musicianship Class
Building musicianship for little musicians.
A class about basic music theory, easy history, and how to appreciate music.
Every Tuesday & Saturday @ 7:00pm
1 hour per Lesson
Target Age
4 to 18 yrs old
1 hour per Lesson
Target Age
4 to 18 yrs old
Fill out application at the bottom with more details.
Payment Method:
BOA Zelle:
Pay to Business
Name: Universal Music Studio Corp
Email: [email protected]
Please make check payable to: Universal Music Studio Corp and mail it to:
Universal Music Studio Corp
P.O. BOX #263
Rockville, MD 20848
(Please write down student name with the class name)
*** The return of a check (electronic or paper) issued to Univeral Music Studio Corp will result in a $35.00 returned check fee being placed on the account of the student, individual, vendor or employee on whose behalf the check was presented for each returned check, no matter the reason.
Refund Policy
Tuition Fee are Non-refundable after trail lessons.
Photo Usage
The school reserves the right to photograph students/families participating in the school’s academic and/or social activities and post the photographs on the school’s newsletter, website or school related marketing materials.
Acknowledgement and Agreement of 2018-2019 Registration Rules
I and my family hereby acknowledge and agree that we have received, read, understood, and agreed to the School Rules and Regulations for Registration and operation and for attendance at the school. We agree that all members of the school are subject to such Rules and Regulations in their entirety. By registering hereunder, each student and family assume the risks of participating in any activity at and/or organized by the School and hereby irrevocably release the School and all its personnel and affiliates including but not limited to agents, officers, directors, employees, successors and assignees from any and all liabilities of any type of nature arising out of his/her participation in activities at and/or organized by the school.
BOA Zelle:
Pay to Business
Name: Universal Music Studio Corp
Email: [email protected]
Please make check payable to: Universal Music Studio Corp and mail it to:
Universal Music Studio Corp
P.O. BOX #263
Rockville, MD 20848
(Please write down student name with the class name)
*** The return of a check (electronic or paper) issued to Univeral Music Studio Corp will result in a $35.00 returned check fee being placed on the account of the student, individual, vendor or employee on whose behalf the check was presented for each returned check, no matter the reason.
Refund Policy
Tuition Fee are Non-refundable after trail lessons.
Photo Usage
The school reserves the right to photograph students/families participating in the school’s academic and/or social activities and post the photographs on the school’s newsletter, website or school related marketing materials.
Acknowledgement and Agreement of 2018-2019 Registration Rules
I and my family hereby acknowledge and agree that we have received, read, understood, and agreed to the School Rules and Regulations for Registration and operation and for attendance at the school. We agree that all members of the school are subject to such Rules and Regulations in their entirety. By registering hereunder, each student and family assume the risks of participating in any activity at and/or organized by the School and hereby irrevocably release the School and all its personnel and affiliates including but not limited to agents, officers, directors, employees, successors and assignees from any and all liabilities of any type of nature arising out of his/her participation in activities at and/or organized by the school.